Movements and ADHD
Muscle Test Strong!
Experience Lunar Alchemy
Words represent your intellect. The sound, gesture and movement represent your feelings. Patricia Fripp
While the basic lunar alchemy treatment corrects many imbalances, some of the deeper seeded issues may need custom treatment. When imbalances are embedded into specific areas of the brain, the basic energy fields are not detailed enough to identify the "target" (the "target" or "witness" is what or who is being treated). One of the best ways to specifically identify the target is through the use of movement.
We are all familiar with body language (the body does speak), and the meaning of facial expressions. Generally, when people are happy, they smile, and when they frown, they are not. These are just the most obvious examples. People may have nervous habits such as kicking a leg, tapping fingers, etc. I know that psychologists often tell depressed people to force themselves to smile, because if a person goes through the motions of being happy, it is more likely to become a reality. Acupuncturists may say that smiling stimulates certain acupuncture points or meridians that have to do with happiness. We are energetic beings, and we express our emotions through movements of various types. These movements also tend to have universal meanings. This universality has been recognized in the historical development of various mudras (movements and postures of the hands) in yoga. These mudras may be employed along with breathing techniques to facilitate prana moving through the body.
Could there be more movements that are associated with various characteristics, beyond the seemingly obvious ones such as a smile being related to being happy? Is it possible that people may muscle test weak to various movements, which also causes them to be weak to the corresponding characteristic? And, if people remove their energetic blockages to movements that cause them to test weak, will that cause them not only to muscle test strong to the movement, and also to the corresponding characteristic? The answer to all of these questions is yes, yes, and yes.
The History of the Discovery
Several months ago I began working with a preschool boy who was having various issues that are sometimes associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The child was far too young for any sort of official diagnosis, but the mother kept bringing reports back from teachers at school which used some of the language which made us suspect that the child was headed down that path. The parents had tried a few diet modifications, but were not strict about any particular diet. I really didn't know much about either ADHD or autism, and began to research it. I started by writing down a bunch of different characteristics of the disorders. It is important to remember that each of these are mainly a constellation of different symptoms, and not a specific disease, so it seemed a reasonable place to start. I was aware that strict diet sometimes made a big difference, as did various supplements, but nothing was universally or completely effective. What was missing?
I learned that certain exercises would help kids with various issues, and certain specific techniques had grown out of this. One such technique is Brain Gym. I had also become familiar with certain energetic exercises from the Donna Eden book, Energy Medicine, so I was open to this idea. In particular, I knew that the Figure Eight movement is often used successfully in classrooms before the day is started, and may be helpful for left/right brain integration. In fact, this is quite an old idea, as I found the instructions and the illustration at the left in the book Nutrition and Health by Helen Rich Baldwin, published in 1924 by the Borden Company. At this point, I thought to test the child both for the words "left/right brain integration" and the Figure Eight motion (by that I mean watching it performed). The child was extremely weak to both of these! I had to test the idea, and the child was the first test case. I made a slideshow to clear the Figure Eight movement, and the child experienced that slideshow by distance. After that, the boy's muscle response test to the words "left/right brain integration", as well as to the Figure Eight motion had changed from weak to very strong.
After those promising results, I began making more movement slideshows, mostly based on the characteristics of ADHD and autism that I had written down. I got other ideas from the mother's language that she used about the child's behavior. Thus a lengthy experimental process had begun. It seemed that almost every characteristic of ADHD and autism could be related to some corresponding movement. Naturally these were tested by using applied kinesiology and confirmed by other practitioners. The Figure Eight Movement being related to left/right brain integration made logical sense, but some connections were more obscure. At times I started with the movement and then tried to match it to a characteristic. Sometimes I didn't even match a movement to a characteristic but made the slideshows anyway, just because people might have problems with a particular movement.
The entire process of identifying movements and characteristics, and making clearing slideshows is ongoing, and that is one reason why this slideshow series is still somewhat experimental. A number of them are on the You Tube Channel, but I am not at all sure that You Tube users have the proper knowledge to use them appropriately. I have gotten feedback from some of them ("this helped my neck pain"; "this helped an issue with my eyes", etc. etc.) but not many people have tried these, mostly because they are a bit obscure. These are actually examples of my old slideshows. I currently use a much more streamlined clearing pattern.
In the meantime, the test child's behavior began dramatically improving over the course of several months, to the point whever the teachers began reporting a very different picture of the child's behavior. Using these slideshows, I have since worked with others, and each of them has shown substantial improvement. Here are just a few of the characteristics that have been linked to various movements: left/right brain integration, restlessness, organization, focus, sensory integration, impulse control, ability to take instruction, fine motor coordination, balance, transitions, unexpressed hurt, obsessive, withheld feelings, emotional isolation, dark pain, longing to separate from outside world, fear of change, picking up social cues, blame, oppositional behavior, not open to hear another, hypersensitivity, maturity, school performance, avoiding interaction, graphomotor coordination, self-talk, procrastination, need to prove self, stubborn, acting age, holding grudges, enunciation of words, imagination, deep despair, and creativity. Note that many of these are interrelated. It is the combination of many movement slideshows, rather than a single one that can turn the tide in clinical behavior changes.
You may wonder exactly why a specific movement is related to a certain behavior or characteristic. While I don't know the answer to this with any certainty, a decent speculation is that the parts of the brain, and the motor pathways that are engaged while either looking at the movement, or engaging in the movement, are the same pathways that are involved in that particular behavioral characteristic. The movement is simply a way to specifically isolate locations where the energetic blockages are residing. Watching a movement, whether energetically by distance, or in real life, seems to dislodge and/or highlight the energetic blockages involved. Then the clearing pattern appears and the blockages are removed.
Proving yet again either that the universe can have a sense of humor, the movement of snapping the fingers is related to "procrastination" and "getting started on projects."
The Theory
After the initial success of the movement videos, I began to wonder just why it is that ADHD kids squirm, and why it is that kids with autism engage in repetitive behaviors. After all I was making movement videos, and these included some of the movements that autistic kids seem to repeat over and over (flailing arms, head banging). They are repeating movements for a reason-- people are attracted to behaviors that cause them to muscle test weak. As an example, people addicted to sugar generally will muscle test very weak to sugar. Yet they have a difficult time stopping eating sugar. The body and mind instinctively want to revisit issues of all types that cause them to muscle test weak. They need exposure to the behavior in order to try to deal with it energetically, however unsuccessful they are at that! It is probably the main reason that people get caught up in destructive behavior patterns, despite their best intentions.
One example is that people with post-traumatic stress disorder often have repetitive dreams about situations that cause them to muscle test weak. And, when they dream, they engage in rapid eye movements that can help to try to deal with the issues. This is the very basis of EMDR, which is often very helpful for post traumatic stress disorder. Dreaming is actually the body's way of clearing blockages to certain events and emotions. It works as long as the system is not overloaded.
And we all hear about so-called generational issues--eg, people who were raised in abusive households unfortunately may tend to repeat the behavior when they have their own families, because their original issues from growing up in these situations have not been addressed.
A good metaphor for this was the brilliant movie Groundhog Day. Bill Murray had to revisit Groundhog Day (and Sonny and Cher's "I Got You Babe") every single day until he finally got things right. Only then could he move on. Children with movements they need to clear are stuck in Groundhog Day, and, in moving past squirming, head banging, etc., it is quite helpful to change the muscle response testing to weak to strong.
Other Natural Remedies for ADHD/Autism
One traditional form of therapy is early intervention with trained therapists guiding the both the children and the parents, and it is is very important in autism.
There are other less traditional ways to deal with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders. Many parents report good results with dietary interventions of various kinds, it could be beneficial to explore what other parents feel help their children, by checking out various parents' groups, joining email lists, etc.
One website that I like that has people posting their own stories about natural remedies for various conditions, including autism is-- Earth Clinic --although I am certain that there are other valuable websites and message boards that more directly deal with the subject. I am not a diet expert, and will leave more specific advice to others.
Also, to help the child's urge to move inappropriately, a vinyl inflatable cushion may be used. The child gets the stimulation he needs by slightly moving on the cushion rather than bouncing off the walls. These specially made cushions have extra stimulation from vinyl pieces that stick out of the cushion. The cushion is helpful both in school and when going places where sitting still is desirable, such as restaurants. These can be ordered through various websites such as Amazon.
Because the clearing process I use is much more streamlined now, I no longer sell slideshows, but treat by distance. If you know someone with various brain disorders, or have issues with learning, even something simple like test anxiety, let me know, and I can test and treat individually.
Disclaimer: The movement slideshows change muscle response testing results, but do not "treat" any disease, and are not an appropriate substitute for care by a licensed health care practitioner.